On the Plight of Palestinians and Native Americans

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Physicists shy away from political commentary.  Not because we are uninformed and have nothing to offer, quite the contrary, but because we are analytical and seldom politically correct.  I steer trepidatiously into the murky waters of social behavior and address the issue of a Palestinian homeland.

The standard argument for Palestinian Statehood does not begin with anything Palestinian.  It begins, not by inquiry and evaluation, but by unequivocally stating exactly why, how much, and where Israel should “donate” land for a Palestinian Homeland.

As a physicist, I prefer a more analytical approach

Having been quite alive in 1967, I remember the Six-Day War as it was, not as it often is portrayed.  What really happened was that after repeated attacks upon itself, Israel retaliated and took effective control of Jerusalem, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Golan Heights – strategic locations.  It was a decisive victory against an attack by the aggressors Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.  I read the newspapers at the time.  I watched the television news reports.  I have been to the Middle East a number of times.  I have read historical accounts.  I have seen the Six Days War Memorial in Egypt.  I have seen all four countries, up close, and personal.

And now, every year since 1967, those losing nations (and other alied nations that would benefit economically, socially, and ideologically) have been crying, “Give our land back, give it back!  We weren’t the bad guys, really.  It’s not yours.  It’s ours.  Give us your land!”

Hold that thought for a second.

I lay claim to being 3/32 of Native American Indian: a triple-great grandmother on one side (1/32) and a double-great grandmother (1/16) on the other.  Now, 3/32 isn’t much, I admit, but Cherokee genes are hardy.  Notwithstanding, if I should inadvertently smash my thumb with a hammer, I would, indeed, cry out in considerable alarm.  Whereupon my lovely bride would question whether I have real Indian blood in me or not.  I would quickly counter by asserting that the whimpering she heard came from the 29/32 White Man, not the 3/32 Indian who was suffering nobly.  Which is also the reason why the taciturn 3/32 Red Skin is oft dominated by the garrulous 29/32 White Man.  Notwithstanding, the 3/32 rises to speak.

Anyone who has read US history would have a hard time ignoring the ill-treatment, mishandling, and current plight of the Native American Indian.  Without doubt, the American Indian is the most mistreated and least compensated minority in America.  We (the other 29/32 of me) shuffled them off to the worst land we could find and murdered any who objected.  As a minority, they are last in line on everyone’s list; they do not even make most lists.  As a tiny example, the US puts huge government money into the shrines of every minority, but one visit to the horribly neglected and pathetic Wounded Knee Battle Field will be an eye-opener to the injustice and unequal treatment of the American Indian.

In the words of the Shawnee leader Tecumseh“Where today are the Pequot?  Where are the Narragansett, the Mohican, the Pokanoket, and many other once powerful tribes of our people?  They have vanished before the avarice and the oppression of the White Man as snow before a summer sun.

So, what does all this have to do with the Palestinians?  To begin with, the Palestinians are a mixed group of factions, much like the tribes of the American frontier were three centuries ago.  Considering how the US treats the Native Americans, it is troublesome and incongruous that the US is so knowingly adamant and so quick to tell Israel “what’s right and what’s wrong.”  Contrast the situation of the US and the Native Americans with Israel and the Palestinians.  Israel gained her land by conquering an attacking aggressor.  The US  gained her land by being the aggressor.  There’s a big difference.

When the US attacked and confiscated the lands of the Native Americans, the US took the posture of the ancient Athenians who devastated tiny Milos.  Milos protested against the total destruction of their society by Athens.  Athens countered, “The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.”  Lesson to be learned:  the US should take care of its own issues,  the plight of the American Indian.  Then, it might know better how to advise Israel.  Until then, let Israel take care of Israel.

So, how do the Palestinians find a “homeland.”

First of all, Israel is a tiny, tiny country.  It’s entire width is a nominal 50 miles.  (Many Americans commute farther than that to work each day.)  It is a scant 250 miles long, tip to tail.  The total land area is about 1/8 the size of Florida.  Of that, sixty percent is the Negev – about as close to nothingness as you can get.  The Negev makes West Texas look like an oasis: I’ve seen both.  Think about it.  The US wouldn’t even send the American Indian to the Negev.  (Would they?)  I find it illogical that anyone would want Israel to give up their tee-tiny plot to put a Palestinian state inside it.

Do not the Palestinians have any reasons for statehood other than annihilating Israel?  Surely they have other ambitions in life.

If so, there are better options.  Why not make a Palestinian state in a place where their culture is already accepted, where they can have more territory, and have potential to expand and advance.  Instead of putting a Palestinian state inside the 8,000 square miles of Israel, 5,000  of which is as barren as the moon, why not put a Palestinian state 10 miles away in the neighboring Arab countries where the demographics and politics are better suited?  If ten miles makes that much difference, then there’s something else astir.  It’s not about statehood or homeland.

What at the choices?  Lebanon is out.  It’s too small.  Jordan is over four times the size of Israel.  It’s a candidate.  Syria is 23 times the size of Israel.  Egypt is 48 times and Saudi Arabia is 100 times the size of Israel.  A serious effort by the Palestinians and their Arab allies would consider these and realize they are better options for the Palestinians.

If the Palestinians really want a state, and if the Arab world really wants a state for them, then the solution is obvious.  If this is just political rhetoric to continue a war lost in 1967, then the whole idea of Palestinian statehood is pointless.

Learn a lesson from the US and the Native Americans.

The 3/32 peaux-rouge has spoken.



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